Lisey’s Story

Stephen King

Lisey’s Story © book cover courtesy

Many of Stephen King’s books deal with imaginal themes, but Lisey’s Story is an Imaginalia favorite.

The story: Lisey Debusher didn’t know what she was in for when she fell for Scott, a wounded, gifted author with the power to enter an imaginal realm called Boo’ya Moon. Both terrible and the sublime, this dangerous territory was fearsome, gorgeous — and undeniably alive.

Now, years later, Lisey is widowed. Boo’ya Moon remains, and along with it, the imaginal detritus of her marriage — a collection of memories, essences, and unhealed wounds. Though Scott is gone — or perhaps because he has gone — Lisey must travel these terrains, facing the dark heart of Boo’ya Moon and claiming her own imaginal power, with all the darkness and light that entails.

With Lisey’s Story, King creates what may be one of the most compelling images of the psychoid realm in western literature. Highly recommended.