Hey ....
Genuine necklace Genuine Sweet - Sass, Georgia Autumn leaves Electric Bill
Genuine's star illustration Genuine's spiral illustration

You're not from around here, are you?

Hi !  I’m Genuine Sweet. What with all the lively interest in our hometown, Jura and I decided to start a notebook of all the doin’s in Sass. Here’s where you’ll find pictures of the town and its critters, clippings from the Sass Settee, plus you’ll get a peek into my new friend Hush’s story.

But, first, here’s a video I made

This here scrapbook is sponsored by SUBA (the Sass Unstoppable Barter Alliance) and Ham’s Diner (“World Famous Fritters!”)


Sass Photo Album

Scooter the mouse


So familiar, I named him

Wish Biscuit Recipe Card

Wish Biscuits!

Print a Recipe Card

Desiree’s friend Pepper Shakes waits for his dental appointment.


Straight from the horse’s mouth

Q & A with Faith Harkey

A Few Questions

Q&A with Faith Harkey

Seedling in the Pavement - Said the seedling to the cement, You can’t stop me!


Things keep on growing

MacIntyre Girl - That girl on the bottom left went on to study stars.

Class of 1902

A MacIntyre woman!

Hush’s cow Bitsy finally had her baby, L’il Bit.

Just a L’il Bit

Birthday at Crispy Acres

Hills of Sass

Sass in the morning

Magic in the air ...

The Fort family is never one to hold back.

Sass Style

Neighborhood Beautification

Baby Chicken

Couldn’t be cuter!

My new friend, Tifton

A pretty little corner of Mabel’s garden.

Awesome Blossoms

A shower of petals

A snake is a sure sign of a healthy garden.

Harmless Visitor

Don’t have a hisssy fit

Georgia Hi Tech Corridor - It’s good that some folks have big dreams.

Hi, Tech!

Just down the road

Author Faith messin’ up her cobra pose.

Yoga, y’all!

Hush’s Yoga Class

Genuine Sweet

Genuine Sweet

It’s my book!

Sneak Thief

Sneak Thief

It’s Hush’s book!

Genuine's illustration of a frog

Straight outta
this week's Sass Settee


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Drop off donations anytime. classified ad